Guest house support
To earn in weekends or to satisfy yourself providing hospitality.
Each person has their own feelings for private lodging.
We must make it clear before starting private lodging that there are also many legal procedures.
We provide packaged support up to the point where it can actually be operated.
What is "Minpaku"?
Meeting the Fire Service Act and Building Standards Act
HP creation
Airbnb registration, settings
Management advice
2024年 住宅宿泊管理業を取得しました。米子では弊社のみとなっているようです。(2025.1)
Did you know ??
There are three types of private lodging
Minpaku, which has become widely recognized as a saucer for inbound travelers, has become more popular among domestic travelers in recent years. Unlike large hotels, private lodgings, which are easy to enter the accommodation industry, are still attracting attention.
I think there are many people who visit the Gravity site who are interested in "utilizing vacant properties".
Keep in mind that there are three main types of vacation rentals, which are the basics of understanding vacation rentals.
It complies with the Housing Accommodation Business Law (New Minpaku Law).
So-called new law minpaku.
Notification to prefectures.
The difficulty of opening a business is relatively low.
There is a limit of 180 days per year.
Ryokan Business Law
According to.
A private lodging as a simple lodging in the Ryokan Business Law.
Permission application to prefectures
Difficulty in opening a business.
National Strategic Special Zones Law
According to.
So-called special zone minpaku.
Application for certification to prefectures.
Only Ota Ward, Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, Kitakyushu City, part of Niigata City, and Chiba City are designated as special zones.
The difficulty of opening a business is relatively low.
Accommodation is possible from 2 nights and 3 days.
Minpaku x Inbound Pit
Travel style in the corona era supported by private lodging
A common misconception is that minpaku users = foreign tourists and not a few minpaku are associated with inbound demand. Of course, there are also such aspects from the following points. (1) Minpaku is an accommodation style that comes from overseas (2) Most of the users were foreigners (3) Administrative guidelines were created assuming the use of foreign tourists.
However, from the correct situation, it can be seen that private lodging does not belong to foreign tourists. According to the Japan Tourism Agency, the breakdown of the number of private lodging users from August to September 2019 was 155,312 Japanese (40.3% of the total) and 229,687 foreigners (59.7%). is. In addition, from the result that more than half of the domestic residents who once used the private lodging service want to use the private lodging again (see the graph on the left), the options as accommodations for private lodging are becoming widespread even in Japan. I understand.

Furthermore, it is expected that we will be able to respond flexibly to the new lifestyle of the with Corona era as a future demand for private lodging. Minpaku, which has made it possible to rent detached houses and create an extraordinary feeling, is in tune with the demand for "I want to go somewhere on holidays, but I want to avoid contact with an unspecified number of people."
To support this, from June 2020, Airbnb, the leader of private lodging services, launched the "Go near-special trips around us" campaign. ”In an Airbnb survey conducted in May this year, more than half of the survey respondents in the United States said they would like a day trip for their next trip, and the global outbreak of the new corona virus has begun. Since then, the percentage of people in the United States booking trips within 320km, which completes a round trip with approximately one refueling, has increased from 33% in February to more than 50% in May. ”
Airbnb has released a cleaning handbook with enhanced measures against infectious diseases, presents accommodations that comply with it to users in an easy-to-understand manner, and is expanding measures to allow guests to stay with peace of mind. At an online interview, Airbnb Japan CEO Yasuyuki Tanabe mentioned nearby, three-cs, and long-term stays as domestic travel trends. We will propose a new normal stay for those who stay in a private space for one month or more, or rent out a whole building, "explains the purpose of the campaign.
The number of Airbnb reservations in Japan increased by 78% year-on-year. Now that the number of foreign tourists is decreasing due to the coronavirus epidemic, it is important not only to be pessimistic about private lodging, but also to recognize that new demand is being created and to discover future possibilities.